ESG Initiatives


Fostering market efficiency & sustainable economic development

Environmental, Social & Governance Initiatives

At Engelhart we are committed to providing a safe, healthy, inclusive and exciting workplace for all. Our business is conducted with the highest ethical standards. We focus on preserving our environment, addressing climate change and ensuring sustainability. We also recognise the importance of investing in and addressing inequalities in our communities.

For us, ESG is not a tick box, it is something we are absolutely committed to and passionately believe in. To this end, we have established a permanent committee tasked with developing and implementing our ESG program with commitment from senior management. The ESG Working Group partners with BTG Pactual’s ESG team and engages with team members across our organisation through various other subcommittees.



Strong commitment to our people, communities & environment


The ESG Working Group is committed to promoting the good health and wellbeing of all our employees. The Group also ensures the company considers responsible consumption and production, as well as the current environmental challenges. Equality in our industry is something that could be improved upon, and our ESG Working Group is looking at all areas of inequality.

The positive impact of the ESG working group is already evident in our workplace initiatives, such as: plans to continue flexible remote working post COVID; providing free flu vaccinations to all employees; ensuring the highest levels of health and safety across all our offices; using sustainably sourced and/or recyclable products wherever possible.

However, our journey is only just beginning. We intend to take further steps towards increasing the diversity of our workforce and further enhancing opportunities for women and other under-represented groups. This year we are calculating and reporting carbon savings from our freight business and calculating and taking steps to reduce our overall carbon footprint.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

As recommended by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (‘SDG’) Global Compass, we considered our business inputs, outputs and stakeholder interests to determine how we might positively impact the SDGs.

This work involved considering all our opportunities to support the SDGs, such as doing our part to reduce CO2 emissions of our freight business; attracting and retaining talent; and enhancing shareholder value in a way that is in line with our values.

Based on this exercise we have selected the following UN Sustainable Development Goals as focus areas for us:

  • We are working to ensure the good health and well-being of our work force and surrounding community. Among other initiatives, we are currently achieving this by conducting enhanced health and safety reviews for all our offices; offering flu vaccines to all employees; and flexible remote working, such as continuing with hybrid working arrangements beyond the COVID pandemic.
  • Historically, our industry has not been well represented by women and historically marginalised communities. At Engelhart we are committed to ensuring we have a fair and diverse working environment. We strongly believe it is key to enriching our working experience and helping us remain as successful as possible. A comprehensive Diversity and Inclusion initiative is underway and a plan of action to increase representation and achieve other diversity, equity and inclusion goals is being established.
  • We constantly seek to meet the most environmentally sustainable practices in our offices. For example, all of our offices have incorporated prudent resource use as a core principle of daily activities to reduce emissions, prevent pollution and waste, and reduce energy use. Many of our offices are located in sustainability focused buildings that conserve energy and water, reduce waste sent to landfills, achieve energy efficiency, and/or reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Engelhart has invested in an emissions calculator, methodology, and auditable process to allow it to demonstrate its internal carbon calculations and its emissions reduction efforts. We are calculating carbon emissions from our general business operations and our freighting activity and will begin reporting CO2 savings from our investments in carbon reducing initiatives. Our aim is to achieve net zero carbon emissions for the entire business.
  • We promote recycling across our offices and are committed to removing single use plastics from each of our office locations. We are calculating carbon emissions from our general business operations and our freighting activity and will begin reporting CO2 savings from our investments in carbon reducing initiatives. Our aim is to achieve net zero carbon emissions for the entire business.

ethical sustainable responsible

I was so pleased to be part of the founding of the Environmental Social and Governance, (ESG for short) Working Group, the subcommittee on Gender Equality and Reduced Inequalities as well as on the subcommittee on Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Change and Life on Land. I think that the most important message about ESG is that this is not just a nice to have, rather it is a fundamental shift in the way we live and do business on a global basis.



Compliance, Stamford